Wednesday, September 28, 2005

William Bennett, Black Babies and Abortion

Is it just me or is this utterly ridiculous? I have seen posts up and down the net saying that it was taken out of context and that he wasn't actually suggesting what he please detail, with the large perspective given Bennett's background. I'm sorry but he said it, did he not?

But then again, this is the same man who suggested that it would be "morally plausible" to behead drug dealers, having been the first appointed "drug czar" by Bush, the first one. I suppose I shouldn't expect less from one of the Reagan/Bush eras. Oh yes, his other high points were conservative viewpoints on restricting college education to "Western Culture" and ridiculing multicultural curriculum. GASP! CHOKE! God forbid black children learn about something beyond Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.

Why don't we just reintroduce the eugenics movement...I mean, one that is actually not covert. Let's not discuss how in the 70's, an estimated 30% of all Puerto Rican women and 25-40% of American Indian women suffered forced sterilizations, without their consent.


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