Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Being Poor...

I found this post after it was referred to on several MSNBC blogger sites. Many of them were posting in response to some half wits' view (thank you Mrs. Bush) that the evacuees from Hurricane Katrina should be grateful considering they didn't have much to begin with, if anything at all and that they (the black people in case people don't want to read between the lines) don't want to work, don't want to make a livable wage, don't want to educate their children, etc., etc., etc.

Interestingly enough, almost every article where an evacuee is interviewed I find that they all say the same damn thing...they can't wait to get back to work. To Work. So for everyone out there who thinks that people choose to live below the poverty line, to not have an education, to not have a job....Well, I would encourage you to attempt to look at the larger perspective...The title link above may help...or it may not.


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