Fear Anyone
Is it just me or is everyone else dreaming in nightmarish technicolor scenes...Three to four days after Katrina with people dying, killing, begging I had a zombie dream. Not unusual, they're recurring for me every couple of months. Except this time instead of running through the halls outside my old high school, Pali High, I'm patrolling inside a fenced in yard with a brick fortified building behind me. Other people are on the roof looking around, wary and tense. Instead of the zombies being white, in race and skin tone....This time they're white skinned but their hair and features are clearly of African descent. Instead of them begging and hungering and slavering for flesh...all they want is bread. Just bread.
A couple of nights later I have a spider dream...another theme that comes up periodically. Somehow I'm wounded in this dream in my side and the only thing that will stop the bleeding and heal the wound is web from spiders. I watch, an invisible observer, as several people in my village go to gather these webs from the outer edges of these huge spider nests that look like great billowy grey mounds with little cavernous black mouths in them. I'm not exactly afraid but nor am I exactly happy to be there.
The most recent one woke me up early this morning in tears. I dreamt I was at a hospital. It was understaffed, some sort of catastrophic event had taken place and people didn't know whether to flee or stay and help. Somehow my sister ended up hurt, wounded and they didn't have what was needed to heal her and she didn't make it. I woke up in tears, sobbing myself awake and then said a barely conscious mumbled prayer before falling back into a dreamless sleep. Thank God.
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