Thursday, September 29, 2005

Greyhound & Homeland Security

And so it begins. Oops, I mean continues. Greyhound employees are now at risk for being fired for selling bus tickets to undocumented immigrants. Are there telltale signs? Anyone know? I mean wouldn't that step on some civil liberties to detain someone who a Greyhound official happens to think the passenger may have a slight resemblance to undocumented immigrants? Other than the ones we have at our borders saying go away or you'll be shot or left out to die in the desert? Forget opposing the rise of fascism ladies and gentlemen, we're already there. I'm not even going to say our administration because I didn't vote for it but it seems the U.S. government is working overtime trying to restrict the mobility of particular racial groups. Are there security issues all around via train, bus, air, truck? Yes...but this isn't the way to fix it.

Well, screw the civil liberties I suppose. It's not like the U.S. hasn't done it before. Perhaps one should look up the Mexican labor immigration movements during the Great Depression and the resulting forced repatriation program that followed when they were blamed for the large numbers of white unemployed workers, particularly in the West and Southwest. Altogether, 400,000 were estimated to be "repatriated," possibly 60% of those children who were born in the U.S. Many were sent back by train in boxcars. But this is probably one of those little blips in history that William Bennett wouldn't want any institutions of higher education to cover. There's a reason why he and those like him don't want "multicultural" curriculums taught in schools.

Way to roll out the welcome mat. If they were say, fairer of skin, hair and eyes do I think the general reception would be the same? No. But I could always be wrong.


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